Foundation in Monitoring and Evaluation


This 3 day foundation in monitoring and evaluation instructor led course is designed for individuals who are new to the field of monitoring and evaluation or those who wish to formalise their existing understanding which has been developed through work based experience.

The foundation course considers important concepts and activities from inception through to outcome evaluation and additionally includes valuable project management and leadership techniques. The course includes a series of activities and assignments as part of the learning. Reference is made to case studies which are also considered during the course.

Course objectives

  • To provide an introduction to what is meant by monitoring and evaluation
  • To develop an understanding of when and how to use recognised tools and techniques for monitoring and evaluation
  • To learn how to develop a monitoring and evaluation report
  • To develop understanding of a monitoring and evaluation process
  • To develop awareness of how to manage monitoring and evaluation stakeholder

Who will benefit?

Anyone with an interest in monitoring and evaluation would benefit from this course, as would those who are seeking to move into an M&E role. Individuals who support M&E delivery would also benefit..

Delivered using Microsoft Teams or Zoom - contact us for in person delivery options.

Duration and Prerequisites

3 days; 21 PDUs. Accredited by the International Academy for Monitoring and Evaluation

As part of the course, participants have the option to complete a project which is submitted within three weeks of the course completion date. The project makes use of the tools and techniques presented in the course and may be related to the current environment that the participant operates in.

(Excl. 20% tax)
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Detailed Course Outline

What is monitoring and evaluation?

The course starts with an introduction to, and overview, of the monitoring and evaluation process. A framework is introduced which is used through the course.

Initial planning

Consideration is given to the initial planning requirements when developing a monitoring and evaluation system

Designing a monitoring and evaluation process

Consideration is given to the important elements that make up the design of a monitoring and evaluation process. Methods and techniques to achieve this successfully are considered together with the pros and cons associated with these.

Project planning

The elements required to successfully plan and deliver a project are considered with tools and techniques that will assist with scope planning and delivery together with stakeholder management.

Collecting and analysing information

Data and information collection and analysis tools are considered together with when they can be most effective. Consideration is given to pros and cons of differing approaches together with decisions which must be made regarding information storage.


A core part of the monitoring and evaluation process involves reporting to a variety of stakeholders. This session considers some of the common reports which must be produced together with best practice with reference to report writing.

Effective decision making

Throughout the monitoring and evaluation process, decisions need to be made as to how to proceed and how to respond to information that is being gathered. This session explores techniques that can be used to ensure that the decisions reached are in the best interest of the project and are supported by stakeholders.

Managing resistance and conflict

Any project delivering change will meet with resistance and conflict. Common causes of difficulty are considered together with techniques that can be used to stop it arising in the first place and resolving it once it has occurred.

 Learning from monitoring and evaluation projects

Learning and feedback are vital to the monitoring and evaluation process. The importance and use of Lessons Learned is considered together with how these can be used within the project and once it is completed. A structure for capturing these lessons is also presented.

(Excl. 20% tax)
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